02/07/2024 0 Comments
Smelly Feet
Smelly Feet
# Reflecting on the Scriptures

Smelly Feet
The readings this Sunday are: Psalm 126, and John 12:1-8. The first is a Psalm of joy in the presence of God, and the second is the story of Mary (Lazarus' sister, not Jesus' mother) anointing Jesus feet with perfume - also an expression of joy and love. However, both are also tinged with darkness, referencing suffering and death. Perhaps they work together to remind us of the call to seek the good at all times, even when there is darkness around us?
And when we consider the different responses of the characters in the story - Mary's desire to expend gratuitously on a man she loves, and Judas' miserly desire to keep the coin for the common purse, perhaps they also challenge us to ask how we respond to God when we encounter him - with selfless giving, expressing love and wonder, or with frustration that he doesn't do things our way, and a desire for personal gain?
I also love the idea that when Jesus walked away from this encounter, he would have left sweet smelling footprints everywhere! Maybe that invites us to think what mark we leave on the world, and those around us as we pass through... when we leave worship this week, will we be so saturated with God's spirit that we leave our marks of grace, truth, and love everywhere we go? I'd love to think so!
Pause for prayer: Why not spend a moment counting your blessings? Put down, or aside, your worries, stresses, and concerns - and just look afresh for a minute at all that is good in your life. It may not be a lot, but try and find at least one thing to treasure, and appreciate. You might want to say a little (or big!) thank you to God for it.