02/07/2024 0 Comments
At the limits...?
At the limits...?
# Reflecting on the Scriptures
At the limits...?
Our readings this week are Jeremiah 1:4-10 and Luke 13:10-17. As we meet Jeremiah, the next in our series of prophets, we do so at the very beginning of his ministry. In this passage we overhear the conversation in which God tells him what he has planned for him. And we hear Jeremiah disagree!
Jeremiah's response is perhaps not surprising - like many people he doubts his own abilities, and seems to think others will too - citing his inability to know what to say, and his young age as his proofs. God's response is incredibly affirming - he reminds Jeremiah that He know him even better than Jeremiah knows himself - and has known him from before he was even born! And knowing him that well, God knows Jeremiah is up to the task, if he's willing to put his trust in his creator.
Sometimes it is other people's words of encouragement that move us beyond our self doubts, and help us exceed the limits we put upon ourselves - and that's a really good reason to let people know how much and why you appreciate them, maybe we could all look for at least one opportunity to encourage someone else this week?
But even more important than the views of other people (which can change, and even be wrong) is remembering, and experiencing God's view of us (which is constant, and always true) - as his beloved children, called by him to share in his mission of love to the world. If we can embrace that we really can begin to discover that supported by Him our capacity to make this world we call home a better place is far, far beyond our expectations. We find that when he asks us to do something it never is more than we can manage, because we can draw upon his strength as ours runs out. As someone once said, God doesn't call the equipped, he equips those he calls.
That doesn't mean it will always be easy or comfortable - it certainly wasn't for Jeremiah, but it does mean that as we walk the path or creator has had in mind for us from even before our birth we find it's a path to self-realisation that can take us beyond any other.
Pause for prayer: maybe just a single petition this week: "God, you have known me from before my birth, reveal to me how I am called to join you in your work of grace and love - and give me the courage to walk the path."